Bern University of Applied Sciences - Switzerland

Study in Bern, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for a diverse academic and cultural experience. Switzerland has four official languages and is well-known worldwide for providing high-quality education. At Bern University of Applied Sciences (Berner Fachhochschule), you will learn from professors with industry experience and study alongside Swiss and international students.




  • Bern, Switzerland


  • Autumn: September-February
  • Spring: February-July


  • German and English

Fields of Study

  • Business
  • Sport and Exercise


  • No on-site accommodation
  • Recommended accommodation: 

Consular Services

Credit Transfers

The following sample credit transfers show how your courses could transfer back to Camosun.

Bern CourseCamosun Course
iMEC Methods and Skills in CommunicationCMNS 1XX Communications 100-level
GEBE German for BeginnersHUM 1XX Humanities 100-level
Human Resource ManagementBUS 210 HR Management Foundations
iLEA LeadershipBUS 214 Leadership Skills
iMR4 Marketing 4MARK 3XX Marketing 300-level
iORD Organizational DevelopmentBUS 480 Advanced Business Strategy
iBUA Introduction to Business AdministrationBUS 110 Introduction to Business
iCCD Cross-Cultural Competency DevelopmentBUS 314 Cross Cultural Leadership
iENT EntrepreneurshipBUS 280 Entrepreneurship
iFM2 Financial Management 2BUS 2XX Business 200-level
IINM International ManagementBUS 450 International Management
IBET Business EthicsPHIL 330 Ethics in Business
IPMA Project ManagementBUS 427 Project Management
ISRM Social Research MethodsMARK 210 Marketing Research
iPOP Political ProcessesBUS 2XX Business 200-level
iEC1 Macroeconomics 1ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics
iMR3 Marketing 3MARK 385 Services Marketing
LETA1 Learning by Talkingn/a