Student Housing

Camosun College is working towards building student housing on its Lansdowne campus. There is currently no on-campus housing.

On-campus student housing will allow students to focus more on their studies rather than worrying about where to live. It will also free up the amount of affordable housing available in the surrounding community.

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A group of 5 students sitting on the grass. They are talking and laughing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the college’s plans for on-campus student housing?

  • On-campus student housing is a priority in the college’s board-approved capital project submission to the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.
  • Additionally, on-campus student housing is identified as a priority for the college as outlined in the Campus Master Plan and the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.
  • The college is working with the Ministry to build on-campus student housing.

Are you going to build housing on both campuses?

  • While both campuses could accommodate student housing, our initial focus is on building student housing on the Lansdowne campus.

Where on Lansdowne campus?

  • A location has not been finalized, although the college’s proposed site is on the Oak Bay area of the campus.
  • The college continues to work with the Ministry and local municipality on plans regarding the addition of student housing on the Lansdowne campus.

Why are you focusing on Lansdowne?

  • While both campuses have suitable options for housing, by virtue of its location to services, shopping, transit and other amenities, the Lansdowne campus was selected for the first phase of student housing development.
  • A future phase to build student housing on the Interurban campus is included in the college’s annual capital project submission to the Ministry.

How many beds? How tall will the building be? What’s the timeline and budget?

  • The scope of the project including size, budget and timeline will be determined as we work through the approval process.