CCS operates from September to June. Centres are closed on all statutory holidays, between Christmas and New Year's, for all College closures, and from July-August. Centres also close early two days annually for Department Meetings, and may close or adjust services provided due to any unforeseen situation, including operational reasons.
Administrative Office
Phone: 250–370–4880
Fax: 250–370–4888
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am-1pm
Interurban Child Care Centres
Building #10 map
4461 Interurban Rd
Victoria BC V9E 2C1
Hours: 8am-4:50pm
Lansdowne Child Care Centres
Building #3 map
3211 Richmond Road
Victoria BC V8P 5J2
Hours: 8am-4:50pm
Find a form
Class timetable form, sunscreen agreement, immunization agreement, change of information forms and more.