Improve your academic skills. From science basics to advanced topics, there's a Help Centre for you. Refresh your skills, work on your assignments with our support, or get tutoring on specific subjects.
Science study help
Lansdowne Campus, Fisher Building, room 264
- For student enrolled in:
- Biology 0 level and 100 and 200 level courses
- Chemistry 0 level and 100 and 200 level courses
- Physics 0 level and 100+ level courses
- Effective learning strategies
- Help with homework, lecture and lab concepts
- Test preparation/review
2024 Fall Schedule
Biology & Chemistry
- Monday to Friday - 9am - 4:30pm
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 9am - 1:30pm
- Thursday - 9am - 1pm
If you are an Interurban student and need help with Physics, please contact Matthew Heywood at to book 1-hour online session.

Science Help Centre - Biology, Chemistry and Physics FAQs
What semesters will the Science Help Centre be open?
We expect our help centres for Biology, Chemistry and Physics to be open mid-September for Fall and continue through the Winter semester.
Do I need an appointment for a Science Help Centre?
No, the Help Centre operates on a drop-in, first-come-first-served basis. If someone is ahead of you, then you can return at another time, or you can pay attention to what the IA is teaching other learners: you could benefit from their questions.
Why would I go to the Science Help Centre; what will I learn?
Science courses introduce learners to a lot of new vocabulary and unfamiliar concepts. You may find the topics go by too quickly in class to grasp. We can review with you background material from previous science courses to make it easier for you to grasp new content in your current courses. The IA can help you think through problems so you can generate your own answers. They can help you discover strategies for effective note taking, test taking strategies and exam preparation. Sometimes you may just like to talk to another person who can give you a different approach. We are here to help you with anything related to your science learning!
Can you proofread my written assignments, mark or give me answers to lab work?
Our goal is to help you understand the science concepts that are required to generate the ideas needed to complete your lab and written work. Nobody on campus will proofread your written work, but the English Help Centre can help you develop the foundational writing skills needed to express your thoughts effectively. We will not give you the answers for your assignment questions, mark or otherwise assess your assignments before you hand them in. However, we can review with you your instructor-graded work to help you understand where you went wrong, so you can learn and perform better at a later time.
I’m having trouble getting started with a written assignment. Can you help?
Of course. It is possible you’re having difficulty because your grasp of the foundational concepts is not yet solid. We can help you with those concepts and you can come as often as you wish until you are fluent in those foundations.
My assignment is due in an hour. Can I still come in for some help?
Yes, we will do our best with the time you have but there could be someone in front of you. Always give yourself and us a comfortable amount of time to allow you to learn effectively. Biologically, it takes time for our brains to process what we learn, so it will be best if you look over the assignment requirements very soon after it is given out. Then visit the Science Help Centre as soon as possible to maximize the learning benefit.

Learning skills
Check out our learning success guides.