
Indigenization is the process by which Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing and relating are incorporated into educational, organizational, cultural and social structures of the institution.

Indigenizing curriculum and teaching practice

The purpose of Indigenization at Camosun College is to:

  • develop and implement practices that ensure that Indigenous students see themselves and their realities reflected in curriculum and service
  • ensure that non-Indigenous students leave the college with skills and knowledge that enable them to work with and live alongside Indigenous neighbours knowledgeably and respectfully

Education Developer Natasha Parrish (Haida) provides culturally informed guidance to instructors seeking to Indigenize and decolonize their teaching practice, course materials and curriculum. She is available to meet with instructors individually or with departments.

Contact Natasha Parrish at


Learn from others

Journeys is an anthology of Camosun faculty stories of Indigenizing curriculum and teaching practices. This bi-annual publication is a source of inspiration and ideas.

Journeys: Camosun Stories of Indigenization

Learning opportunities and resources

In partnership, CETL and Eyēʔ Sqȃ'lewen offer a number of learning opportunities: 

TELŦIN TŦE WILNEW (TTW)Understanding Indigenous Peoples is an award winning, blended delivery course which provides insight into Indigenous worldviews; describes the legacy of colonization and how it affects students attending the college today. The course explores how Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing influences teaching and learning practices and Indigenization at the college. Learn more about TELŦIN TŦE WILNEW.

ŚW̱,ȻENEṈITEL: Doing Good Work Together is a follow up blended course to TELŦIN TŦE WILNEW: Understanding Indigenous Peoples. Participants will deepen their understandings of decolonization, reconciliation, Indigenization and Indigenous self-determination. Trauma-informed approaches, community engagement and place-based education in post-secondary environments will be explored. Learn more about ŚW̱,ȻENEṈITEL.

Pulling Together

Pulling Together is a series of five open education resources published with the support of BC Campus and with input of post-secondary educators across BC. The resources are intended to augment the existing training currently offered through the institutions, recognizing that place-based Indigenous knowledges, languages, and practices are reflected in the localized delivery of Indigenized learning resources. 

The series includes guides for:

CETL facilitates regular discussion groups using the guide as the foundation of discussion. See calendar for upcoming sessions.

Library resources 

The Library works closely with CETL and Eyēʔ Sqȃ'lewen to build collections of resources to support instructors to deepen knowledge of Indigenous pedagogy and research, and of issues related to self-determination, truth and reconciliation and Indigenous resurgence. 

Online guides highlight key resources of the collection: