Nursing, Baccalaureate of Science

A rewarding career with infinite possibilities. The Camosun College/University of Victoria BSN Program has you start at Camosun and continue on to UVic, where you will complete your Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

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Nursing Student deside

Program at a glance


No credential

Work experience

Clinical/fieldwork placement

Study options


Open to International


Area of study

Health Sciences


2.5 years at Camosun College, 1.5 years at the University of Victoria

Blending patient care with health technology

Start in September

We inspire, educate, and transform nursing students for service to humanity through curiosity, innovation, and excellence.

As part of the Camosun College/University of Victoria BSN Program, you'll build your knowledge, skills, and attitudes. You'll learn from a combination of practical experience and coursework in science and the humanities. As part of your degree, you'll have access to meaningful work term placements so that you can integrate your academic knowledge with real-world nursing practice.

Camosun Nursing Program image

Experiential learning

As a nursing student, you'll apply your learning in simulated lab and nursing practice settings throughout your program. Through experience, reflection, conceptualizing, and application, you'll continually build your knowledge.

Complete your BSN education

You'll spend two and a half years at Camosun, which includes five academic semesters and two spring practicum terms. You'll then move to the University of Victoria to finish up your final two semesters and consolidated practice experiences, which takes a total of one and a half years. You may be eligible for entrance scholarships to UVic at this time.

Becoming a registered nurse

After completing your four-year program, you'll be ready to write the NCLEX licensing examination, and will have met the British Columbia College of Nurses & Midwives (BCCNM) entry-to-practice competences. You will become a registered nurse (RN).

Working as a student

Island Health (formerly Vancouver Island Health Authority or VIHA) allows you to apply to start working as an employed student nurse (ESN) after your second year of study. After year one, some students are able to work as health care assistants.

BSN information sessions

BSN information sessions are a great way to learn more about the program and to get your questions answered by faculty and staff.

Registered Nurses of British Columbia

The British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) sets the standards of practice for Nurses to provide competent and ethical care.

The professional association, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia acts on behalf of nursing in order to advance the profession and influence health and social policy.

Working conditions


B.C. Registered Nurses on Vancouver Island have a nine-step wage scale


Most nurses work either eight or 12 hour shifts, depending on the unit. You should expect to work weekdays, weekends, and a combination of days, evenings and nights.


Currently, there is a very high demand for registered nurses across Canada, and internationally. Recent statistics suggest that between 90 and 100% of BSN graduates find work in their field fulltime, within the first year after graduation. This is amongst the highest rate for all occupations in Canada. This statistic is true for both men and women in nursing! A Canadian program, BSN will prepare you for graduate studies in universities around the world, and is a stepping stone to many learning opportunities, including specialty education.


Public facilities, such as hospitals, are unionized with the BC Nurses’ Union. Some employment agencies (some clinics) may not be unionized. Information about the union and the collective agreement can be found online.

Indigenous Priority Seating

Indigenous Priority Admissions 

For a limited time each year, Camosun College offers priority seating for qualified Indigenous students in all Health and Human Services programs.

The Indigenous Limited Priority Admissions process is approved by the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal.

How to apply for an Indigenous priority seat.

What you'll learn

Current students wanting information about your program, go to student planning in myCamosun.

Program outline

For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar.

Program outline

Blending patient care with health technology

We inspire, educate, and transform nursing students for service to humanity through curiosity, innovation, and excellence.

Location and schedule

For the first 2.5 years of your program, you'll study at Camosun's Interurban campus, situated near some of Victoria’s most beautiful neighbourhoods and urban beaches. Class time and nursing practice hours are scheduled for a maximum of 25 hours per week. Of these hours, nursing practice per semester varies from 4 to 25 hours per week.

You'll be expected to spend at least 3 to 4 hours of preparation, review, and studying per day. Nursing practice locations and hours vary, but most are located within Greater Victoria, and may include evenings and weekends. Limited numbers of learners travel to International Field Schools, the Yukon, and potentially other remote placements.

Streams of learning

Each semester will have a unique focus. There are five streams that run across the four years of the program: Nursing Practice, Relational Practice, Health and Healing (theory and lab), Professional Practice, and Health Sciences.

All fall and winter semesters include theory, lab, and nursing practice time.

Finish your program at UVic

After 2.5 years at Camosun, you'll finish your program at the University of Victoria. See the UVic calendar for program outline and course descriptions.

Year 1

The focus of year one is on the roles of the registered nurse, including promoting health and well-being, as a professional; becoming self-aware as a practicing nurse; nursing assessment; basic nursing care; and growth and development in the context of family.

In addition to your nursing courses, you'll be required to take English and anatomy and physiology.

Year 2

In your second year, the focus shifts to nursing care of patients with both acute and chronic illness in a culturally safe and ethical manner, on an interprofessional team.

You'll study pathophysiology, interprofessional communication, philosophy and ethics, in addition to extensive nursing knowledge, including skills such as intravenous therapy.

Year 3

During your last six months at Camosun, your courses and nursing practice placements will involve complex and specialty nursing including maternity, pediatrics, and mental health.

Course work, in both theory and lab, will prepare you for advanced nursing skills such as intravenous insertion, cardiac monitoring, newborn assessment, and how to care for patients and families in unstable and crisis situations.

A graphic representation of a hand pointing at a book with an "i" for information on the cover.

BSN program handbooks

Find current student information in the School of Health and Human Services and BSN program handbooks.

Tuition and fees

Effective from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.

Estimated tuition

Tuition estimates are for the entire program.

Nursing, Baccalaureate of Science

$12,964 (domestic)

Domestic tuition fees vary depending on the individual course fees for the classes you select.

Student fees

In addition to tuition estimates, student fees are calculated based on your enrolment. Refer to: Student Fees.

Financial assistance

You may need to find more than one source of funding to help pay for your education and living costs while attending college. Check out sources of money you don't need to pay back as well as those that need to be repaid.

Financial Aid & Awards 

Application deadline

  • Next intake: Fall 2025
  • Application period: Sept 15, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025
  • Document deadline: Jan 31, 2025 

Admission requirements for fall 2025 intake

Requirements for previous academic years can be found within the academic calendar.

All applicants

To meet the BSN admission requirements, you will need to submit proof of the following admission requirements using high school, Adult Basic Education (ABE), and/or University Transfer (UT) courses.

For information about applying or admission requirements, please contact Admissions.

BC/Yukon high school students are eligible to apply in their Grade 12 year. GPA will be initially calculated on interim grades to determine provisional qualification.

Note: GPA for competitive entry ranking will be calculated on these four courses: English 12, Anatomy and Physiology 12, one Academic 12 course, and Life Sciences 11/Biology 11, or ABE alternatives, or UT courses listed below.

RequirementHigh school coursesABE course
UT course alternative
Math 11/12
One of:

73% in Foundations of Math 11
73% in Pre-calculus 11
73% in Foundations of Math 12
73% in Pre-calculus 12
Non-BC high school course

B in Camosun Math 11 Alternative
B in Camosun Math 12 Alternative
ABE Transfer Guide

B in MATH 100
B in MATH 101
B in MATH 107
B in MATH 108
B in MATH 109
B in MATH 115
B in STAT 116
B in STAT 123
B in STAT 216
B in STAT 218
Biology 11
One of:
73% in Life Sciences 11/Biology 11
Non-BC high school course
ABE Transfer GuideB in BIOL 102
B in BIOL 103
B in BIOL 104
B in BIOL 124
B in BIOL 126
Chemistry 11
One of:
73% in Chemistry 11
Non-BC high school course
B in CHEM 070
ABE Transfer Guide
B in CHEM 100 or higher level CHEM
Social Studies 11/12
One of:
73% in Approved Social Studies 11
73% in Approved Social Studies 12
Non-BC high school course
ABE Transfer GuideB in any related transferable social studies post-secondary course
English 12
One of:
73% in English Studies 12
73% in English 12
73% in English 12 First Peoples
Non-BC high school course

B in Camosun English 12 Alternative
ABE Transfer Guide

B in ENGL 103 and ENGL 104
B in ENGL 151
B in ENGL 161
B in ENGL 163
B in ENGL 164
Academic 12
One of:
73% in Approved Academic
12 course
B in MATH 097
B in CHEM 090
B in PHYS 090
ABE Transfer Guide
B in any transferable post-secondary course
Anatomy and Physiology 12
One of:
73% in Anatomy and Physiology 12/Biology 12
Non-BC high school course
B in BIOL 090
ABE Transfer Guide
B in BIOL 103
B in BIOL 126
B in BIOL 150
B in BIOL 151
Grade 12Grade 12 graduation or equivalent
English Language ProficiencyAll students must complete the English Language Proficiency requirement
BCCNM RequirementsComplete the RSA Acknowledgment form

Acknowledge and understand the requirements for registration with the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) as laid out in the BCCNM document Requisite skills and Abilities (RSAs)


  • After the January 31 document/transcript deadline, no in-progress course work can be used towards admission requirements (exceptions for current BC/Yukon high school students).
  • The program will maintain a short waitlist for entry into the same year, pending withdrawals or deferrals. In extenuating circumstances, an invited applicant may apply for a one year deferral. The waitlist will not be retained for future years. Those applicants meeting the academic requirements, but not gaining a seat in the year of application will need to reapply and resubmit academic information already provided.
  • Students who are not in good standing at Camosun or UVic, or in a healthcare program at another institution are ineligible to apply.

This program is in high demand and the number of qualified applicants greatly exceeds the number of seats available, and, as such, not all of those meeting minimum requirements can be admitted.

Ready to get started?

Next intake: Fall 2025
Application period: Sept 15, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025
Document deadline: Jan 31, 2025 

Apply now

Check our current program availability.

Missing admission requirements?

You may be able to take an assessment or upgrade with us.

Need help applying?

Find out more on How to Apply or speak to an Admissions Advisor.

Contact us

If you have admissions questions contact the Admissions office

If you have questions about what you can expect to learn in your Nursing class contact

Faculty/staff profile

Robin Humble, Practice Placement Coordinator, BSN

Robin Humble, PhD MPH BSN

Chair of Nursing Program (INTERIM)
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Kirstin McLaughlin (ON LEAVE)

Chair of Nursing Program
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Ryan Russell, Year one program leader

Ryan Russell

Associate Chair (Interim)
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Teresa Evangelou (On leave)

Associate Chair
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Mary Willbond - Nurse Educator

Mary Willbond

Year 1 Program Leader (Interim)
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Stephanie Won

Stephanie Won

Year 2 Program Leader
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Selena Hebig

Practicum Placement Coordinator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Ann McIntosh - Nurse Educator

Ann McIntosh

Nurse Educator and Curriculum Coordinator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Aileen Wood-Meszaros, BSN faculty

Aileen Wood-Meszaros, PMED, BSN, RN

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Alayna Payne, BSN

Alayna Payne

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Andrea Turner

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Aziz (Ajijoon) Shaik

Aziz (Ajijoon) Shaik, RN-BSN, MSc

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Carla Scow

Carla Scow

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Cheryl Marr - Nurse Educator

Cheryl Marr

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Cici Tavares, BSN

Cici Tavares, RN, MSN

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Diane Nadeau, BSN Instructor

Diane Nadeau

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Hannah Ashwood Smith

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

woman with smile

Hazel Booth

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Janet Klok, BN, MN, CACE

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Jennifer Pluta

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Kaitlin Ellis - Instructor BSN

Kaitlin Ellis

Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Kerry Ann Dompierre

Kerry-Ann Dompierre

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with her dog

Laura Sacilotto, RN, BTN, Med

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Leah Godwin

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Maria Fyfe

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Maureen Lindsay

Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Melissa Paul

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Natalie Phillips

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Profile Pic

Romeo Lagundino

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Ruthie Anderson, BSN faculty

Ruthie Anderson, BScN, RN, MScCH (IP)

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Sean Sturgill - Nurse Educator

Sean Sturgill, RN, BSN

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Shannon Keyser, BSN INstructor

Shannon Keyser, MSc, RN, CCNE, CCSNE

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile


Shauna Huffman

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Woman with smile

Shea Page

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Sue Abuleal - Nurse Educator

Sue Abuleal

Nurse Educator
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness
Full bio

Nursing lab

Learn more

For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar. 

Contact information

School of Health and Human Services

Campus location

Alex and Jo Campbell Centre of Health and Wellness building (CHW), room 207

Location link

Interurban campus



Admissions questions: