Faculty/staff profile
Instructor, Biology

Fisher Building
F 248A
BSc — UBC, MSc and BEd — McGill
School of Arts and Science
I have a BSc from UBC and an MSc and BEd from McGill. I've been teaching General Biology and Anatomy and Physiology at Camosun since 1999 and find teaching to be the most challenging, thought-provoking, soul-stretching activity I have ever tried.
My students inspire me with their integrity and determination. They have taught me to be patient, compassionate and positive. They feed my creativity and remind me of the wonder of our world and our lives. Some students think I'm a "hard-ass", others are grateful for a learning environment in which they can thrive and do themselves proud. I'm grateful when students give me the chance to help them maximize their strengths and I love seeing students gain understanding of the world around them, of each other and especially of themselves.