Featured articles
Breaking down barriers to education and employment for adult learners
Employment Training and Preparation (ETP) programs at Camosun College have been providing students with a supportive learning environment to explore opportunities in life, learning and work for close to 40 years.
Trades students at Camosun College get a financial boost from donor
Students pursuing a career in the trades at Camosun College will benefit from $1 million from Kelowna-based developer Highstreet.
Camosun career fair goes mega in 2025
Camosun College's Applied Learning, Co-operative Education and Career Services department, also known as the Career Lab, is transforming its approach to career networking with the launch of its first-ever Mega Career Fair.
Camosun College expanding programs to the West Shore
Camosun College is making some of its most popular programs more accessible to students living in the West Shore communities who want to pursue a career in the growing areas of health care, education and technology.
Camosun capstone showcases student innovations
From apps to automated windvanes, graduating Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering students from Camosun College will be presenting their innovative capstone projects on Friday, Aug. 16 to potential employers and campus visitors.
Jason builds his confidence in the carpentry program
Things weren't easy for him at the beginning, but in the end it was a very rewarding journey.
Sabrina's transition from High School to a Degree in Human Resources
Sabrina’s transition from high school to college level learning had its challenges, but it ultimately allowed her to become more comfortable with the new skills she was learning in and out of class.
Evelynn's success transferring to university
Currently pursuing a double-major in Anthropology and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria, Evelynn spent four semesters at Camosun in the University Transfer program.
Canadian Premier League players bring the heat to Camosun summer camps
Players from the Pacific Football Club in Greater Victoria subbed in to Camosun’s Summer Sports Camp to share their skills with the kids.
Hungry for some new recipes?
This featured guide is just a “taste" of what you will find in our culinary collections at Camosun Library.
Ansh shares the value of hands-on learning in the CDA program
As an international student, adapting to a new country and culture is challenging, especially being away from family.