The Applied Learning model represents the eight principles of applied learning, as defined by the Society for Experiential Education.
A word about 'experiential education' and 'applied learning'
Our approach is a focus on solid, learning-centred teaching strategies grounded in the scholarship of experiential education, represented by the Applied Learning Model (see below). The model is a conceptualization of an approach to teaching based on Eight Principles of Experiential Learning by the National Society for Experiential Education. The Applied Learning Model emphasizes excellence in teaching reflection, application and practice.
As such ‘applied learning’ and ‘experiential education’ are used interchangeably.
Applied learning is:
- Not a lock-step process(although it can be used that way when you’re learning how to use it)
- Adaptable to different contexts, strengths, and teaching styles
- Allows for emphasis on different principles; in other words, you can begin anywhere. Begin with your strengths
- Flexible – you can start with any of the eight principles, with the learners, or with community – there’s no right or wrong way to approach the Model
- A pathway to creating a pedagogically sound learning experience (particularly if all eight principles have been adhered to)
The Eight Principles of Applied Learning
Applied Learning in action

Camosun's exchange with New Zealand Maoris promotes international Indigenous education
The themes of shared values, meaningful connections, positive relationships and applied learning were woven throughout the two-week trip to Victoria in September that Camosun College's Todd Ormiston facilitated for five Maori visitors from ARA Institute in Canterbury, New Zealand.
Check out the full story.