Every year Camosun helps more than 1,500 adults like you take the next step. Staff and faculty are supportive and knowledgeable. We believe the students and communities we serve are at the centre of our work.
Student Navigators are available to provide information to students for courses and programs. Please email upgrade@camosun.ca or contact:
Tia Primrose - 250-370-3466 or text: 250-216-7156
Valerie Neaves - 250-370-3847 or text: 250-216-8692
Richard Myers - 250-370-3847 or text: 236-638-6503
General Inquiries
Lansdowne | Interurban |
Monday to Friday, 8:30am–4pm | Monday to Friday, 8:30am–4pm |
Administrative Staff
Name | Contact |
Ian Humphries Dean, School of Access | 250-370-4123 humphri@camosun.ca |
Heather del Villano Associate Dean | 250-370-3297 delvillanoh@camosun.ca |
Manuela Blankenhorn Assistant to the Dean | 250-370-3684 blankenhornm@camosun.ca |
Judy Shirley Administrative Coordinator | 250-370-3475 shirleyj@camosun.ca |
Tara Harrison Program Assistant | 250-370-3165 harrisont@camosun.ca |
Allisen Rocko Operations Assistant | 250-370-3487 rockoa@camosun.ca |
Scholastica Whitney Administrative Support III | 250-370-3310 whitneys@camosun.ca |
Helen Tait Administrative Support V | 250-370-4941 taith@camosun.ca |
Department leaders
Name | Contact |
Zahra Khimji Chair, Academic & Career Foundations, English Access, Math Access | 250-370-4911 khimjiz@camosun.ca |
Doug Harrison Chair, Community Learning Partnerships | 250-370-3489 harrisond@camosun.ca |
Laura Friesen Employment Training & Preparation | 250-370-4981 friesen@camosun.ca |
Sarah McCagherty Faculty Curriculum Lead & Co-Chair, English Language Development | 250-370-4969 mccaghertys@camosun.ca |
Pei Mei Chia Co-Chair, English Language Development | 250-370-4945 chiapm@camosun.ca |
Nadia Petrossi Coordinator, Learning Support | 250-370-4931 petrossin@camosun.ca |
Assessment and Testing Centre
Name | Contact |
Angelica Lopez Coordinator, Assessment Centre | 250-370-3598 lopeza@camosun.ca |
Maureen Niwa English Placement Counsellor | 250-370-3355 niwa@camosun.ca |