Camosun College is CLOSING today at noon, Feb. 3, 2025

Monday, Feb. 3, 12 pm Camosun’s campuses are CLOSING at noon today due to the forecast calling for heavy snowfall and deteriorating road conditions throughout the region. All classes and services will close for the reminder of the day.

Space is available on both campuses to accommodate people who may need time to make exit arrangements:
• Lansdowne: Fisher Building foyer
• Interurban: Liz Ashton Campus Centre

Please check the college website ( or follow the college on social media for the latest information:

• Facebook:
• Instagram:
• X (Twitter):

Visit the college website for a more in-depth overview of campus closure protocols in the event of adverse weather.

Loving Ancestors & Restless Ghosts. Anthropology of Death Pop-up Exhibit in Royal BC Museum




Royal BC Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC


School of Arts and Science

Why and how do the living continue to interact with the dead?

Anthropology of death pop-up exhibit, Royal BC Museum, main foyer.

Admission by donation.

Please consider bringing a non-perishable food donation for the Camosun student food bank as a meritous act.


Last updated:

February 03, 2025 | 3:02pm


All students