Priority Health Program Nursing Student Tuition Grant

For health care programs students.

Award at a glance


Dollar value




Open Date

October 1, 2025


November 1, 2025


Full-time students

Number of Awards


Award description

To help create accessible career pathways as identified in the Government of B.C.’s Health Human Resources Strategy, the Priority Program Nursing Student Tuition Grant offers students a $2,000 tuition reduction grant to students in specific health care programs as identified by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.



Applicants must be:

  • Year 1 or 2 Practical Nursing Diploma (PNUR.DIP) student enrolling between September 1, 2023 and August 1, 2026.
  • Year 1, 2 or 3 Nursing (Baccalaureate of Science) (SCI.NURS.BDEG)  student enrolling between September 1, 2023 and August 1, 2026
  • Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident

Application process

Selection process

Applications are not required and funds will automatically be credited to myCamosun accounts for students that meet the criteria. Where a student has already paid, any surplus amounts will be refunded to the student. 

Students that receive funding via StudentAid BC must report this grant as a targeted resource (i.e., government-provided funds specifically intended to offset educational expenses, notably tuition fees).

T4As are issued for bursary amounts exceeding $500 which may be considered taxable income for the year the bursary was awarded. For more information, please check with Canada Revenue Agency.