Camosun College’s campuses are OPEN, Wednesday, Feb. 5

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:30 a.m. — Camosun’s campuses are OPEN today. Classes and services are scheduled to run as planned.

Grounds crew have been working at Lansdowne and Interurban to spread salt and sand on parking lots, roadways and main walkways as conditions are icy. Please allow extra time when commuting, dress warmly and stay on cleared paths.

Camosun will continue to provide further updates in the event that the weather changes. Please check the college website ( or follow the college on social media for the latest information:

• Facebook:
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• X (Twitter):

Visit the college website for a more in-depth overview of campus closure protocols in the event of adverse weather.

Indigenous Family Support, Certificate (Program suspended)

Program suspended

The Indigenous Family Support certificate has been suspended. Indigenous Education is in the process of developing new programming to prepare Indigenous students to support wellness in Indigenous families and communities. For more information contact Current students will not be affected by this change. 

Indigenous Drummer

Program at a glance


Advanced Certificate

Work experience

Clinical/fieldwork placement

Study options



Open to International



10 months

Supporting your ancestral roots

The Indigenous Family Support (IFS) Program provides students of Indigenous Ancestry* with opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, awareness and values needed to work with Indigenous individuals and families in schools and communities.

Indigenous classroom circle

In demand

Indigenous family support practitioners are trained to support the development of healthy Indigenous individuals, families and communities. Program graduates are in demand and function interdependently as members of a support team under the direction and supervision of experienced professionals in health, education and/or human service settings. This program will also give you the opportunity to reflect on your ancestry and develop self-awareness.

We’ll help you succeed

Graduates of the program find employment in roles such as:

  • Employees of Native Friendship Centres
  • Indigenous Teaching Assistants in public and tribal schools
  • Youth Service Workers
  • Child and Family Service Workers
  • Transition House Workers
  • Employment Training Counsellors

Transfer possibilities

You may choose to continue your education at Camosun College towards a diploma in:

What about employment opportunities?

Graduates are prepared to function interdependently as members of a community support team. The team could include family members, elders, friends, and professionals. Graduates work under the direction and supervision of experienced professionals and paraprofessionals in health, education and human services.

Many graduates of the former Indigenous Family Support program have continued their education towards degrees in Social Work, Child and Youth Care, Indigenous Studies and Education.

Are you of Indigenous ancestry?

*Camosun College views any student who is a descendant of the Indigenous peoples of North America to be an Indigenous student. This includes status and non-status Indians, Métis, Inuit and Native Americans who reside in Canada.

An investment in your community

This program encourages students to reflect and develop self-awareness and pride as an Indigenous person by promoting experiential learning of Indigenous history and culture. 

IFS Indigenous student with textbook

Scholarships, bursaries and awards

There are many financial resources to tap into while you are at college to help with your education and living costs. Apply for scholarships & awards that are specifically given to program students, as well as awards specific to Eyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen - Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections.

Do you love working with people?

This program encourages students to reflect and develop self-awareness and pride as an Indigenous person by promoting experiential learning of Indigenous history and culture.

What to expect

This ten-month program starts each year in September on campus three days a week and in Brentwood Bay at the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board two days a week. The program includes academic courses, experiential learning and a practicum placement. You will participate in 15 hours of class time a week in addition to 15-20 hours a week in homework.

Term 1

In your first term, you’ll engage in self-reflection and exploration of your ancestral roots. You’ll take courses in community, English, family and child studies, and indigenous family support. The Indigenous Family Support courses will encourage you to incorporate your own culture into the coursework.

Term 2 & Practicum

In your second term, you’ll broaden your perspective and deepen your understanding of your role as a family support worker. You’ll take courses in community, Indigenous studies, health and psychology. The practicum component, in the third term, will have you in community placements for 25 hours a week.

Program suspended

This program has been suspended. Camosun offers programs designed especially for Indigenous learners plus a wide variety of courses with Indigenous content. Please contact us for more information through the Centre of Indigenous Education & Community Connections


If you have questions about this program please contact, 250-370-3299

Faculty/staff profile

Sandee Mitchell

Sandee Mitchell, Anishinaabe (Kebaowek and Nbisiing First Nation)

Program Leader IFS & ICP and Elders Voices and Events Coordinator
Ewing Building
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Anneke van Alderwegen

Anneke van Alderwegen

Instructor, Psychology
250-370-3107/ 4463
Fisher Building and Liz Ashton Campus Centre
Full bio

Contact information

Indigenous Education & Community Connections

We want to hear from you!

Campus location

Camosun College Lansdowne campus
3100 Foul Bay Road - Ewing building, room 272
Victoria BC V8P 5J2

Location link

Lansdowne campus
