Education & Career Planning, Certificate

Formerly known as Building Employment Success for Tomorrow (BEST).

Join a tuition-free, online, instructor-led program that will help you design your own education and career path. 

BEST Teachers and students

Program at a glance



Work experience




Study options


Open to International



7 weeks

"This program is perfect for anyone interested in taking deliberate time to ask themselves the important but often missed question: What do I want to do in life?"
- Nina Polkinghorne, on the path to a career in the BC Public Service

Find your education and career direction

“If you are wondering what to do with your life, Education & Career Planning is the perfect venue to help give you focus, at any stage of your life: just out of high school, making a career transition, or wanting to make the most of your golden years.”

- Rodger Dunn, EDCP graduate on the path to a Diploma in Kinesiology

A computer screen showing a students participating in an online class.

Explore and plan your education and career path within an online community.

Explore and design your education and career pathway

EDCP is a seven week, onlinetuition-free education and career exploration program that will help you develop a realistic awareness of your interests, abilities and potential, and increase your self confidence. You'll learn about work-search strategies and current labour-market trends, and you’ll have the opportunity to set personal, career, and educational goals.

Do you need a laptop to take this online program? Borrow one from the Camosun library--while supplies last!


EDCP welcomes adult learners, at any stage of life, to explore educational and career opportunities in a diverse and changing world. This program will help you:

  • Clarify your values, interests, skills, strengths and preferred work environment in relation to choosing a career or job
  • Increase your knowledge of educational resources, programs and community relationships
  • Learn innovative work-search strategies, research current labour market trends and create informed educational, career and life goals
  • Strengthen communication, teamwork, self-confidence and a growth mindset for success in today’s workplace and in daily life
  • Prepare for and practice interviews and create an up-to-date resume
  • Be inspired through meeting others: classmates who are also finding their direction, guest speakers and key contacts in your educational and career fields of curiosity
  • Design a concrete and specific personalized education and career plan

As a grad, you’ll have a plan to take the next steps to your education and career success.

Our graduates speak

"If you want to dig in and explore yourself, join the EDCP program. It was one of the most valuable periods of time that I have ever spent."
- Nam Yi Kang

"Before EDCP, I felt overwhelmed and unsure. After EDCP, I am now confident with the path I am taking towards my education and career goals. This program gave me the support, clarity and confidence to make solid career decisions."
- Liz Cardoso

"The first week of EDCP I felt too busy. I thought 'I can do this research on my own in the evenings and weekends.' I'm so glad that I decided to take the time to invest in myself! Along with the great instructors and guest speakers, this program was an incredible experience and well worth the time investment. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is unsure of their next career steps, or just discontented with their current work situation."
- M. Block

"I recommend this program to others because I gained both job-search skills and life skills from this experience. Before EDCP, I was unmotivated to take a step forward with my career; after EDCP, I am able and actively looking for a job."
- Asako Suzuki

What you'll learn

EDCP is a seven week, onlinetuition-free education and career exploration program that will help you develop a realistic awareness of your interests, abilities and potential, and increase your self confidence. You'll learn about work-search strategies and current labour-market trends, and you’ll have the opportunity to set personal, career, and educational goals. 

A young man standing in the Library looking at Algebra textbook

Common questions

What if I don’t have a computer?

Camosun library lends out laptops, while supplies last. If available, you can apply to borrow a laptop for the full 7 weeks of the program.

How many class hours per week?

The program requires a commitment of seven weeks:

  • Six (6) hours per week in a virtual classroom (Tues., Weds., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 - 10:30 am)
  • 14 hours per week in self-directed study, on your own schedule

Can International students sign up for EDCP?

Yes. EDCP welcomes International students but it is important to note this program of study does not meet the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) criteria for an Off-campus Work program or a Post-graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program. International tuition fees will apply. 

The first step for international students is to contact Camosun International for more information.

Do I need to come on campus?

No, the program is fully online. You can attend the virtual classes and do your readings and assignments from the comfort of your home.

How do I apply?

Before applying to EDCP, you must first attend a mandatory information session. Information sessions are conducted individually, over the phone.

To book your information session, email Allyson and Michelle at or phone 250-370-4934.

Program outline

For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the Academic Calendar.

Program outline

If you have a question please email or phone 250-370-4934.

Tuition and fees

Effective from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025

For domestic students, 0-level courses in the Education & Career Planning Certificate are tuition free.

$2,936 (international)

For International students visit: International Tuition & Fees.

Student fees

In addition, student fees are calculated based on your enrolment. Refer to: Student Fees.

Financial assistance

The Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG) covers student fees, deposit, tuition (if applicable), required textbooks and childcare support for eligible students enrolled in 0-level upgrading courses.

You may need to find more than one source of funding to help pay for your education and living costs while attending college. Check out sources of money you don't need to pay back as well as those that need to be repaid.

Financial Aid & Awards

Admission requirements

Students need to complete a program information session. Students without BC High School English 12 are eligible for the program.

Book an info session

These sessions are conducted by phone. To set up your phone appointment with instructional assistant Allyson or Michelle, email or phone 250-370-4934. 

Allyson or Michelle will explain how to apply and get you registered.

Start in September, late October, January or March

  • Sept. 3 - Oct. 18, 2024
  • Oct. 29 - Dec. 13, 2024
  • Jan. 7 - Feb. 21, 2025

International Students

Important note: This program of study does not meet the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) criteria for either an Off-campus Work program or a Post-graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program.
Please contact International Admissions for more details.

Our teaching staff

Our instructors are experienced, inspiring and supportive of each student's individual journey.

Faculty/staff profile

Allyson Butt

Allyson Butt

Instructional Assistant, EDCP
Centre for Business & Access (CBA)
Full bio

Faculty/staff profile

Valerie Neaves

Valerie Neaves

Faculty in the Education and Career Planning Program (EDCP)
Full bio

Interurban Campus

Adult Upgrading Grant

If you're attending Camosun in one of the School of Access programs you may be eligible to have your tuition, deposit and fees paid.

Contact information

Allyson Butt and Michelle Shevkenek, Instructional Assistants

We want to hear from you!



International Admissions

International students please contact International Admissions