Mariah Taschuk

Faculty/staff profile

Vinyasa Yoga Instructor

A young woman poses for a photo in front of the Grand Canyon.

Mariah first found yoga as a way to get through a particularly cold and dreary Victoria winter many years ago. The practice of body awareness, deepening of breath, and contrast between movement and stillness kept her coming back.

After seven years of practice, and with a desire to learn more about the Eastern philosophies rooted in yoga, she travelled through Northern India in 2023, where she completed her Yoga Teacher Training. She is thankful for the openness she has experienced from yoga communities. She hopes to create a warm and non-judgmental environment for others to cultivate the many benefits yoga can provide on and off the mat. She encourages students to be curious and compassionate with what their bodies communicate in the present moment. Let go, listen intuitively, and try new poses in a safe and comfortable space.