Faculty/staff profile

Coordinator Indigenous Peoples in Technology and Women in Technology programs

A professional headshot of a woman.




Technologies building

TEC 170


Women/Indigenous People in Technology Coordinator

School of Trades and Technology

Trisha has been a grateful visitor on Lkwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ territories since the late 1990’s.

She holds a BSc and MSc in Geography from the University of Victoria and a Provincial Instructors Diploma from Vancouver Community College. She has been teaching at Camosun since 2002 and has held a variety of roles including Co-op Coordinator, Geography Instructor, Chair of Environmental Technology and now Program Coordinator for Women in Technology and Indigenous Peoples in Technology.

Before teaching at Camosun, Trisha held several positions working for non-profits, and the Provincial government. She also ran a sole-proprietor business working in data management and Geographic Information Systems.

Trisha is passionate about adult education and is grateful to work in relationship with students to develop the skills needed to direct their own path in their educational journeys.

A geographer at heart, Trisha will take any opportunity to get students outside to connect with the places that are special to us on and off campus. She is always ready to share a story about her three boys, her dog or special hikes or travels from her past.